Kalas Foundation Donates Hand Sanitizer

The Kalas Foundation was established in 2009 to ensure a steady stream of financial assistance remained available – in good times and bad – to support the agencies throughout the communities in which the associates of Kalas Wire & Cable lived and worked. At the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, we decided to prioritize our 2020 disbursements specifically to causes & people impacted by the virus and preventing its spread.

Most recently, we have purchased 500 gallons of hand sanitizer and filled 900 bottles for their distribution. Pictured below, is our recent donation to Declaration House and Real Life Ministries, who were grateful to have the ability to safely distribute food to families in need. The Kalas Foundation is honored to be able to partner for this very worthwhile community cause.

If you should have a request for hand sanitizer for a community organization in Lancaster or Berks counties, please email KYM at kcalabretta@kalaswire.come or RACHEL at rlheisey@kalaswire.com and together, we can improve the lives we touch!

The Kalas Foundation
Kalas Foundation donates hand sanitizer
Kalas Foundation donates hand sanitizer
Kalas Wire & Cable

Leading Manufacturer of Copper Wire & Cable

Trusted quality, expertise & customer service that cares since 1958