Celebrating Our Employees – August Honoree

This month we are excited to celebrate and honor Bob Bingaman for his presence at Kalas. Upon meeting Bob Bingaman, nearly right away you notice his bright spirit and love for his work shining through. Bob currently works out of Plant 2 in Denver, PA on 1st shift as the operator for Trailer Twisted Cable. If you were to visit him, he would excitedly show you around the impressive machines he is skilled in operating, genuinely pointing out all of the captivating aspects of his daily work.

This year, Bob will reach his 41st service anniversary at Kalas. Over his notable history here, he’s had the opportunity to work various roles making him a highly skilled and familiar face around our organization. To name a few, Bob previously worked in engineered cable products as a hand molder then injection molder. He’s worked in shipping, spooling and even worked as a compound mixer before technology evolved. Putting it lightly, Bob’s seen and experienced a lot here. So much so, that if you were to ask him for a favorite memory he’d say he has too many to choose! He’s grateful for the abundance of memories with so many people over his years.

Over Bob’s 41 years a lot has changed. Plants opening, positions changing, and the biggest changes he’d seen including all of the modernization to computers through the years for so many things. Now getting to work out of plant 2, Bob still gets to see change. He has the opportunity to work on the creation of many types of wire and in that he sees enjoyment. Variety, large space to move around and people to work with are all seen as perks for him. We hope you can tell by reading his story that Bob is a man of positivity and skill and we are grateful to call him our own.

Please join us in thanking Bob for his hardwork, loyalty and life he continues to share with us with each passing day!


Summer 2018 Kalas Service Anniversary Honorees

This Summer’s service anniversary luncheon honorees marked a very special culmination of associates in attendance. With over 255+ years of service from the group in attendance, there may never be another quite like it! There were faces like Kim Brugger(30), John Wiegand(35), Lee Showalter(35) and Glenn Moyer(40) who have been with Kalas for over 30 years, making their history so intertwined with Kalas’ the company wouldn’t have been the same without them. Alongside our long-tenured honorees were treasured associates like Dan Hall and David Johns and Bradley Longer who have reached their 15-year and 25-year marks making them equally as well recognized and valued faces in our family to all of Kalas’ vast group of associates with fewer years than they. Add to that many 5 and 10 year honorees and you can see how special an occurrence this Summer’s group of recognized associates would be.

At Kalas, we are incredibly grateful for being a workplace where employees want to come to work, desire to grow and stay long enough to feel like family. From day one at Kalas, you become a part of the family. Stay long enough and you’ll start to feel the familiar support, connection, and collaboration.

Thank you to all honored associates for everything you bring to Kalas each day you arrive, today and in all of your years past. Here’s to many more ahead!


Join us in celebrating our Summer 2018 Kalas honorees:    


Enjoy Photos from Kalas’ Summer Service Anniversary Luncheon

Celebrating Our Employees – July Honorees

This month we have a fun group of honorees to introduce you to – meet the “Harley Girls” Marion Masternak, Marian Mellinger & Shirley Estell. From the moment of meeting them, you’d have no doubt they’ve been together for many years. Their laughter, humor and energetic bantering is infectious and reveals a work friendship forged through much history together.

Marion has been here the longest achieving her 25 year anniversary this coming November and Marian followed shortly after being hired the following August. Shirley has been with Kalas for 12 years, all of which working alongside Marion and Marion. Each woman living a slightly different story all coming together at the point of Shirley’s hire.

If you ask Marion about her 25 years, she will tell you she’s worked just about every machine that exists in our Lancaster Engineered Cable Products Division (ECPD) facility. She was hired when the company operated out of Denver alone. At that time, as well as many years after Marian was hired, associates had to train long hours on each machine they worked. This proved to be a huge asset to Marion’s work history. She was able to not only move around various jobs operating various machines, but she was also cell lead at times and had seniority to transition from less desirable shifts to her preference where eventually the other women would work alongside her as well.

Marian started 24 years ago this Summer and says her favorite memory is simply being hired. She, as well as Marion, worked in a Gerber manufacturing plant in garment making. She was a “floor girl” as she says, doing various tasks around that shop. When laid off she needed something and Kalas was there waiting to hire her to begin her now almost quarter-century career! Both women worked several lines of our ECPD remembering when Volvo and all of Kalas’ various customers on-boarded.

Before Kalas grew to Lancaster, Shirley joined our family. After a few short years, all three women would be transferred to our first Lancaster facility to be the women running our then Harley Davidson ECPD line and so began their self-claimed nickname the “Harley Girls”. Today our lines may have changed, but these three exceptional woman continue to work side by side forming memories and deepening their expertise in all they do. All three women work as a cable assembler or master cable assembler today and bring to Kalas’ family many qualities we celebrate – personality, commitment, hard work, skill and more. Our Kalas family wouldn’t be the same without them!

Through the years their brightest memory was an unexpected trip to tour the nearby Harley plant many years ago. Unannounced they were picked up in a limo, taken to see Harley’s facilities and out to lunch after. What a treat! Marion remembers they were able to peer into the interior of a bike revealing where the cables they would’ve manufactured by hand at Kalas cables fit inside of it. It was a fun day in their memory.

The biggest changes they would say they’ve worked through were the plant moves. Moving from Denver to Lancaster was a big deal for each one of them. They remember the excitement at first at the possibility and yet the challenges posed with a longer commute. Their memory of then and now is positively colored with how nice and helpful everyone working in Lancaster was which made the change smoother for each of them. They even say that of today. If asked what their favorite part of their work is today they say the variety of people they get to meet and work with and how diverse our Lancaster plant is.

It’s a real treat at Kalas to have not only one story of personal influence and history, but a group like Marion, Marian, and Shirley. This group of women is an ideal example of how we are a family at Kalas. Without these three, our company and our history would feel different. We are grateful for their spark and the presence each one of these three unique hand-working women brings.

Join us in celebrating their time with Kalas and thanking them for choosing to be such a valuable part of our Kalas family for so long! 

Celebrating Thomas Chobat’s Retirement

On June 1, Thomas Chobat transitioned to his next stage of life after 10 years and 5 months of hard work with Kalas. We are grateful for his time and commitment through his years and are delighted to share a little about him to celebrate his time here and who he is.

Thomas was hired in 2008 as a general maintenance tech and gradually shifted into electrical work at Plant 1. With over 10 years of history at Kalas, Thomas would say he has more favorite memories than he can list. That is greatly due to his mindset toward the people he worked with and the role he got to fill. He viewed it as an opportunity to work alongside each person he interacted with in Plant 1. Thomas says of the positive memories he has from his time at Kalas “Virtually every day I would share a laugh or joke around someone which in turn made it a pleasant day.”

His positive mindset also significantly influenced the joy he got from his role. Thomas enjoyed fixing the continual problems that arose because they posed different puzzles each day. In his words: “As an electrical guy, I like to solve puzzles. This makes every problem unique and a challenge. Every day has been a tremendous learning curve.” What a great way to view electrical and mechanical work!

Thomas has a lot of plans for his retirement. First, he has the gift of a family to care for. He knows we will spend time caring for his now 95-year-old father and looks forward to “chasing around” his one-year-old grandson. Outside of time with his family, he an avid runner and excited to spend more time running. Long distance running is a passion he’s had for 45 years, completing 35 marathons to date! In the past 10 years of his running career, he’s begun taking an interest in Ultra Running where distances are longer than the standard marathon length of 26.2 and can range up to 200 miles mostly occurring on mountain trails! So far Thomas has already completed 30 of these types of races and desires to keep going for more. Beyond that, he’s planning to continue coaching young and beginning runners at the local school. “And then, of course, there’s the honey-do list. Suffice it to say that I expect to stay busier than I have ever been.” Thomas says.

With all of his interests, his heart for people and the mindset he brought to work for the past 10 years, we have no doubt Thomas will do exceptionally well in his new season of life post-Kalas career. We at Kalas are very excited for him and bitter-sweetly saying goodbye to such an exceptional individual we had the privilege of employing for a decade of his spirited life.

Join us in warmly thanking Thomas for his time and wishing him all the best as he goes to richly enjoy and impact his world beyond these walls. Thomas, we wish you the best and are incredibly grateful for your years here! 

Enjoy these photos below from Tom’s June 1 Retirement party.

Celebrating Our Employees – June Honoree

This month we are eager to introduce another associate who has been a part of Kalas for over half of our 60-year history! Meet Kim Weachter. Kim currently works at Kalas Corporate in Denver, PA as one of our exceptional Bulk Account Managers and 2018 marks 33 years of service at Kalas for her! Kim has spent time working at each of our plants and become an expert in her role through her years of experience.

In 1985 Kim was hired into her first role where she worked as a receptionist in Plant 1 and helped with invoicing. After working in that role for 2.5 years, she accepted her first position in Customer Service for our Engineered Cable Product Division (ECPD) located in Plant 2 at the time. When Kalas completed Plant 3, now our Corporate Office, in 1990, Customer Service departments for both Bulk Wire & ECPD relocated to Plant 1 where Kim then worked for several years. In 2006 Kalas grew once again and opened the Lancaster, PA plant. Kim’s role moved to working out of Lancaster which was a big change for her. She worked in that location until this past year when she accepted her current position in Bulk Wire Customer Service now located at Kalas Corporate.

As one can imagine seeing how many times her office location moved, Kim has experienced a lot of change over her years at Kalas! Outside of relocating several times, Kim would say the largest change she witnessed during her 33 years was Kalas’ switch from manual processes to all computers. How far Kalas has come! She recalls a great amount of Customer Service workdays were spent solely entering blueprints from the bill of materials and customer service information. Kim’s years of working in her position before the technology and ease of computers may be one of the many reasons she’s so great at what she does.

She says some of her favorite memories over all of the years are from the Christmas parties and summer picnics Kalas hosted. “I really enjoyed Knoebel’s; spending time in the park and socializing/eating with coworkers in the pavilion.”, Kim reminisced. She also recalls the fun of Christmas parties and how for a few years in a row everyone received a special box of Lorah’s handmade candies!

Overall Kim enjoys her role and all of her tasks at Kalas today. She says her favorite parts of work are the interaction with co-workers and customers. She will often choose to call customers over e-mailing them because she finds it builds better relationships.

We are thankful to have such great representatives such as Kim on our Customer Service teams! Join us in Thanking Kim for her hard work, commitment and devotion to quality relationships over her 33 years here!