Kalas Wire & Cable Remains Open For Business
Updated as of 8:30pm 3-19-2020
Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf issued an edict that all non-life sustaining businesses close their physical operations effective 8:00 PM Thursday, March 19, 2020 to slow the contraction of the coronavirus. Please note, Kalas Wire & Cable remains open for business with full operations in all locations.
We are able to continue our operations as a key supplier and manufacturer of products which serve as a lifeline to powering critical machinery in the following approved industry’s noted below:
- Machine Manufacturing
- Merchant / Durable Goods
- Agriculture Equipment Manufacturers
- Refrigeration and AC
- Electrical Component Manufacturers
- Plumbing Wholesalers
- Transportation & Warehousing
- Utilities
- And Others
All associates at all facilities should continue to report to work as scheduled. We appreciate the ability to serve our network of strategic partners during this critical time. For a detailed list of Life-Sustaining Businesses as defined by the Pennsylvania Government, please see the link below.
That said, we are looking to ensure full compliance of the recommended practices detailed by the CDC to optimize safe working conditions at all of our facilities, to reduce headcount within our workspaces where possible and limit personal interactions with the expectation there is no change to our customer support or timely delivery of products to our customers.
Our Leadership Team is actively guiding our efforts as we navigate the path forward to ensure our market responsiveness while mitigating risk to our valued associates and their families.
View Governor’s Life-Sustaining Businesses Document
We appreciate your partnership in good times and certainly as we experience challenges. We are here to help! Please reach out with any questions you have & stay healthy!
Have questions? Contact us at connect@kalaswire.com